Dividend Received · Investing

April 2020 Dividend Report

Yes! Another month working from home has ended and it’s time to tally up our total dividends for the month. I don’t know about you guys and girls but I sure could get back to normal. Even though I still understand and support (most not all) of the decisions made to flatten the curve it has been taking a toll on me. I miss the office life and find the situation sometimes challenging.

I find it extremely difficult to either be 100% commited to my work or 100% committed to my family. It’s all a blur between working and family life and I’m not liking it. Sure it helps that I can decide my own hours but in reality I’m working during the day and evening.

Fortunately I can still count on the dividens pouring in. No dividend cuts so far, but I’m still expecting them (SPG for example).

Ticker Amount (€)
PPL 7.39
IRM 23.36
KMB 4.21
PEP 3.69
HASI 3.96
LEG 9.39
CAH 9.79
O 4.20
CSCO 12.19
FDX 2.53
AH 10.95
MDT 2.23
Total €93.89

Some of you will immediately spot my first dividend from MDT which I’m pretty pleased about even though I’m paying 25% dividend tax instead of 15% on US stocks (since its based in Ireland). My fellow DGI’ers, is this correct or am I doing some math wrong here?

On to the visuals:


Working towards the 2020 goal of €1500 in dividends:


April 2020€62,90
April 2020: €93,89

An awesome 49,2% growth compared to April last year. As always my results are converted from their base currency to euro and are post-tax.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the results of this month and ofcourse on your own results. Please let me know in the comments!

9 thoughts on “April 2020 Dividend Report

  1. Nice job navigating the dividend cut and suspension minefield, Mr. Robot. Happy to hear nothing so far.
    Impressive YoY growth… nearly 50%! Almost eclipsed 100 Euros, too… Nice progress.
    IRM led your pack of payers by a wide margin this month. Isn’t that a bit unusual for you? I have it in my head that you usually have good balance amongst all your dividend payments. Either way… it’s all income… keep bringing it in! Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi ED, so far so good but I’m counting on some cuts or maybe freezes so we’ll see. You are correct, I usually focus on building relatively equal dividend streams but I have some larger payers like IRM, ABBV and T where I had build up a bigger position then usual before expanding to othe sectors. Wel spotted my friend!

      I have been wanting to tell you that I’ve been unable to comment on your blog. I keep getting that I’m a suspected bot. 😦


      1. Regarding the comment issue… This is the first I’ve heard of any issue so thanks for letting me know. This also happens to me sometimes when I attempt to leave comments on other sites. I’ve found that if I leave out the space between Engineering and Dividends when leaving my name, then I’m no longer a suspected bot. Give that a try.


  2. Nice job collecting those dividends. During the toughest of times those dividends still roll in even with those occasional cuts we all experience from time to time. As always nice to see we share quite a few common names.


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