
April 2021 Dividend Report

Let’s start with mentioning that thankfully no one else in our family was infected with Corona and that we could succesfully end our home quarantaine last month. It’s amazing to me what kind of mental affects one can experience due to a cominbation of worrying about the safety of your family but also not being able to leave your house.

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Now that situation is behind us its time to focus on positivity and enjoying our time. We’ve been able to spend more time in and outside of the house and with me working from home, the additional time spent with my family has really been great. Besides more quality time it also continues to amaze me seeing our dividends grow and enter our brokerage account. 🙂

Without further delay, here are my results for April 2021:

TickerAmount (€)
Total €136.29

No less then 14 companies deposited their dividends on my brokers account, ready to be reinvested (manually) in other stocks.

Here are the visuals:

And working towards my 2021 goal of €1750 in dividends received:

And (inspired by Engineering Dividends) a new graph with my annual dividend totals:

So we’re done with with month #4 and we are at 31% of our goal for 2021. Slightly behind schedule, but not by much.

April 2020€93,89
April 2021: €136,29
Total dividend ever: €3365,63

An huge increase of 45,16% compared to last year so thats really something to celebrate! Since my focus of the recent months has been to bring more balance between US and non-US stocks, my additional investments in Ahold Delhaize really packed a punch this month!

The progress is still very real even though this is already my fifth year as a dividend growth investor since starting back in March of 2017 (with a monthly total of €1,98).

As always my results are converted from their base currency to euro and are post-tax.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the results of this month and ofcourse on your own results. Please let me know in the comments!

10 thoughts on “April 2021 Dividend Report

  1. Nice. Im looking for some more EU balance myself. 177€ from my side as higheat annual payers hit my account. Going for that 2k€ markt, im still around my 1k€ mark with that nasty covis cuts still hurting my cash flow. But that what you get with higher risk/yield investments in oil companies like BP or Shell. At least it should be a temporary pain. Hope they will reatore dividends in some years to come. On other side looks like some other investments are paying off. So its win some lose some situation 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m really happy with that growth rate MDD. This first month of the quarter is always my lowest, but in this month my semi annual payer Ahold makes a huge difference.


  2. Great to hear your back outside! 🙂

    I can inmagine to overcome the mental worrying you have to be brave and keep an open heart for help from familie and friends?

    Nice graphics and growth. As i’m ‘starting’ over again, your report can be an example how my our journey will go haha.

    Greetings, Wouter

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Vooruit dan maar, omdat het aantal reacties jou motiveert 🙂

    ik zou het leuk vinden als je in je maandrapportage ook iets over je aankopen/ mogelijke aankopen vertelt. Al was het alleen al ter inspiratie en mij op een spoor te zetten 🙂

    maar ach, hoe saaier de stijging van de maandelijkse dividenden hoe consistenter je blijft en zal blijven de de komende jaren. Je straalt in ieder geval rust uit.

    Op naar de jaarlijkse dividenduitkering van €2.000

    Liked by 1 person

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