Dividend Received · Investing

March 2018 Dividend Report

And POOF(!) another month is gone, winter is finally over and spring has sprung (or something like that). Time for one of my favourite things to blog about, my dividend income.

Regular visitors of this blog also know that this post is going to be a special one. It’s the first time I can do a year-over-year comparison with the previous year. My DGI journey started in february last year and I received my first dividend in March.

My total for March 2017 was: €1,98

Let us see how we did in March 2018. A total of 7 companies paid me this month:

Date Ticker Shares Amount (€)
01/03/2018 INTC 8 1.65
01/03/2018 PFE 9 2.11
12/03/2018 IBM 2 2.05
13/03/2018 ADM 18 4.13
15/03/2018 O 23 3.47
19/03/2018 VFC 6 1.9
21/03/2018 QCOM 6 2.35

Yes! A total of €17,66 (after taxes) of free money was deposited in my account. The third highest dividend I have ever received. 🙂

My year to date graph looks like this:


This brings me that much closer to my 2018 goal:


The first quarter of the year has pased and I’m on 23% of my goal for 2018, so it looks like I’m on the right track!

Total dividend YTD: €45,70
Total dividend received ever: €134,49

And now….the big moment, my YoY-comparison!

March 2017: €1,98
March 2018: €17,66

A whopping 891,9% increase compared to last year!

I knew it was going to be an increase, but never expected it to be this much. As you can understand, I’m pretty happy with my results at the moment!

How about you dear readers, how was your March?

26 thoughts on “March 2018 Dividend Report

  1. Congrats on the growth 🙂 Impressive if you look from the side. My income from US stocks grew from 13 EUR to 21 EUR if compared 2017Q4 to 2018Q1. Latest purchases will grow it further. Its nice to see that snowball in action 🙂 Although growht YoY will more and more decrease with time/

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! Coming up on an almost 1k% increase of year to year growth. That is amazing! And by the look of the chart, looks like it is your second highest ever after last month. But I could be wrong. Keep that growth up! You are well on your way to hitting your goals.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve never been really interested in dividend investing (always traded for capital gains). But now that I’m married, I’m thinking of going down this road so that my wife and I have some more financial stability.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Not sure if my previous comment went through. If it did, feel free to delete this one. If not, then Congrats on the significant increase from last year. Not only did the income rise, but so did the number of companies that paid you dividends. I’m in a similar situation in that I won’t be able to make a yearly comparison until my next report.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Awesome, Mr. Robot! Your YoY growth is astronomical. Definitely take a moment to enjoy it. That’s a solid list of dividend payers, with fairly even distributions for you, too. I share the last 3 in your list. Needless to say you are well on your way to great things given your progress over the past year. Happy to see you now get to make those YoY comparisons… so much fun.

    Liked by 1 person

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