
This is my extra-extra large buy for September 2018

As you (probably) know I didn’t make any buys last month. Which means there is extra capital available for this month! 🙂

Combine that with my birthday and I have a total amount of about €1400 to deploy as I see fit. In the past months I have been aggressively opening up new positions and only expanding on a few occasions (namely T).

This month I decided to only buy existing positions:


I added (and more then doubled) to my position in IBM (IBM) by buying 3 shares @ $145,40. See my previous rationale here.


I added to my position in Unilever (UNA) by buying 14 shares @ €47.60. See my previous rationale here.


I added to my position in Cardinal Health (CAH) by buying 9 shares @ $52,35. See my previous rationale here.


I added to my position in Iron Mountain (IRM) by buying 4 shares @ $35,32. See my previous rationale here.

These four (!) buys provide a significant boost to my forward income bringing the total to $569,06. Can you believe it guys and gals, I’m almost at the $600 threshold in forward income! Taking into account the current exchange rate that makes about €487,31!

What about you dear reader, have you made any interesting purchases lately?

12 thoughts on “This is my extra-extra large buy for September 2018

  1. I’ve been on the sidelines mostly Mr. R. Just letting the market and my companies do the work. Maybe a little sell off will bring me back onto the field. We shall see. In the mean time, looks like you are stocking up the pantry and there is nothing wrong with that. Tom

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Stocking up the pantry, nice! 😉

      It’s good to see you making conscious decisions. I’ve got a lot of catching up to do if I want to gain some ground on your portfolio.


  2. Well done Mr. Robot! I’ve only made one buy so far in my taxable account, as I’ve been watching for better entry points and just haven’t found a lot to my liking right now on my current positions (I too am focusing on building existing positions vs. opening new right now).

    That $600 milestone is within reach, you’ll be there in no time!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sweet buys!
    love all those companies but only own ibm.

    Always great to add to existing positions.

    So close to 600. You will do it.
    keep it up


  4. After making 3 real estate investments in 2017, it’s been a quiet year for us in 2018 with just 1, so I will shop vicariously by reading about your investing:) I’m on a goal to simplify our portfolio right now — getting paperwork in order, paying down debt, building up reserves. We may even prune investments that no longer fit. I feel like we spent the last several years building up the portfolio and now need to get organized. The market, at least for real estate where we are looking, hasn’t presented any buying opportunities anyway.

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